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The world changed while I hesistated



Looking at the last time I touched this blog project, it was on 12-29-2022. I had these grand ideas of becoming a blogger in the cloud, low-code, and higher ed space to facilitate my own never-ending learning and tinkering journey. It definitely wasn't AI that held my finger back from actually releasing and publicisizng. Just self doubt. Who was going to read this and why did it matter? I forgot my original intentions somewhere around then. Somewhere around the start of the year, professional development ceded to ego > fear > doubt > cyncism > work life > excuses > and so on.

Let's try again

Now what? Why am I doing this? Maybe to document these next five years and serve as a marker to revisit? That sounds like a sufficient reason. Given that I have made major life changes recently around the same time that AI seems prepped to dramatically change the world, why not start now?

It's really mostly out of my control, so why not just go along for the ride, journal it, and see what I can pick up along the way.

Always learning

And what if I am wrong? Well I won't be alone....

Better said...what if WE are wrong? I will no doubt have expanded my skills and satisfied a sliver of never-ending curiousity that drives me.

While I can say this blog is mainly going to be around a higher education look at the PowerPlatform, Cloud, AI, Data, and other IT services, who knows where it will go? I think I will just take this little experiment one day at a time.